
Curse of the Corsiar is a single-player RPG created as a case study of Heart Machine’s Hyper Light Drifter. Within a 36 person studio, I worked on the audio team to create various sound effects and develop an appropriate sonic environment. Specifically, I focused on player weapon sound creation, audio integration, and world effects such as reverb zones.

Skills Used:

Unity 2D, Ableton Live, Wwise, GitHub, Atlassian Suite

Default Melee Variations

These variations were made for the players default sword weapon. All sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live.

Sword Collisions

These variations were made for the players default sword weapon. All sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live.

Boss Damage

These variations were made for game's second boss, a waterlogged viking. Most sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live. To achieve the squishy, gore sound, I recorded myself squishing a grapefruit.

Charged Effects

These variations were made for the players default sword weapon. All sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live. All other sounds were found open source.


This is a concept for the first boss of the game. This was completely done with MIDI instuments within AbletonLive. The concept for this boss was a flamboyant pirate so I took a lot of inspiration from Drag culture for the sound of this piece. I was also inspired by Gloria Esteban's Conga, since it is a classic within queer culture.

This is another concept for the first boss of the game. This baseline was inspired by bass riffs usually heard in club dance music.

This is a concept for the second boss of the game. This was completely done with MIDI instuments within AbletonLive. The concept for this boss was a drowned viking so I wanted it to sound foreboading and old. I took a lot of inspiration from sea shantities.