Curse of the Corsiar is a single-player RPG created as a case study of Heart Machine’s Hyper Light Drifter. Within a 36 person studio, I worked on the audio team to create various sound effects and develop an appropriate sonic environment. Specifically, I focused on player weapon sound creation, audio integration, and world effects such as reverb zones.
Unity 2D, Ableton Live, Wwise, GitHub, Atlassian Suite
These variations were made for the players default sword weapon. All sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live.
These variations were made for the players default sword weapon. All sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live.
These variations were made for game's second boss, a waterlogged viking. Most sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live. To achieve the squishy, gore sound, I recorded myself squishing a grapefruit.
These variations were made for the players default sword weapon. All sounds were recorded and processed by me using a FIFINE K678 microphone and Ableton Live. All other sounds were found open source.
This is a concept for the first boss of the game. This was completely done with MIDI instuments within AbletonLive. The concept for this boss was a flamboyant pirate so I took a lot of inspiration from Drag culture for the sound of this piece. I was also inspired by Gloria Esteban's Conga, since it is a classic within queer culture.
This is another concept for the first boss of the game. This baseline was inspired by bass riffs usually heard in club dance music.
This is a concept for the second boss of the game. This was completely done with MIDI instuments within AbletonLive. The concept for this boss was a drowned viking so I wanted it to sound foreboading and old. I took a lot of inspiration from sea shantities.